Strengthening Covid Safety Protocols with LoRa® and LoRaWAN®

From face masks, through social distancing, to lockdowns and more, countries have continued to find ways to navigate through this pandemic by creating safety protocols designed to help in reducing the risk of transmitting the virus from one person to another.

LoRa gateways and LoRaWAN modules integrated into Safety Protocols

Proximity Detection

One of the addressed safety protocols is social distancing. By incorporating LoRaWAN modules in wearable proximity sensors, in offices, factories, and various workplaces adherence to safety protocols can be monitored and maintained. These sensors can track the interactions of their employees, thus identifying personnel at risk.

Pedestrian Counting

Incorporating LoRaWAN modules and gateways to create monitoring sensors that gauge people’s movement in cities is possible. People counting assists in understanding the movement patterns of the masses and their impact on spreading CV-19. This information is valuable for designing safety protocols, which can be formulated and implemented in such a way as to diminish covid transmission. Real-time feedback of protocol efficiency can also be obtained and adequate measures are taken.

Indoor Air Quality Monitoring

This pandemic has stressed the importance of clean air. By utilizing the LoRaWAN gateway and modules, air monitoring systems can be created to ensure clean air and proper ventilation. In doing so, temperature levels are maintained wherein the risk of the virus spreading is minimized. 

Safety protocols, when followed properly, will help in decreasing the number of those affected. Thus, devices such as the RAKwireless WisGate Edge line of gateways are the essential building blocks that will allow for LoRaWAN solutions to be implemented in order to help implement a worldwide strategy for battling CV-19, based on technological means.

By utilizing the power of IoT and making it easy to implement it as a part of a pandemic monitoring and mitigating system, companies such as RAKwireless contribute to the global anti-CV efforts.

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